At the greatest taste competition in the world, the Great Taste Awards 2019 in London, the Syllektikon Flavored Olive Oil was awarded 3 Gold Stars!
At the greatest taste competition in the world, the Great Taste Awards in London 2019, among 12,772 quality products, from 107 countries, judged by 500 expert panel tasters for high gastronomy, where their awards are considered to be the “Oscars of Taste” worldwide, the Syllektikon Flavored Olive Oil was awarded 3 Gold Stars!
We are proud of this accomplishment for the following 6 reasons:
- It has been awarded with the highest award in the competition, 3 gold stars, the most difficult award given in its category.
- This particular award is given to very few products, from the 12,772 products participating for 2019 only 1.6% were awarded.
- It is the only Greek olive oil to be honored with the highest award in its category, ‘Flavored Olive Oil‘, in the 24 years that this well renowned international competition Great Taste Awards in London has been talking place.
- It has been awarded with 3 Gold Stars and is among the few Great Taste Supreme Champions for 2019.
- It has been privileged with the candidacy for the finals at the Golden Fork Awards 2019, where after being re-tested, only 16 participating products out of the 12,772 that participated in total will be awarded, that would be a percentage of 0.12%.
- It is the only Greek Olive Oil that was honored with the highest award with 3 Gold Stars in all the categories for Olive Oil – Extra, Flavored, Filtered, Unfiltered, etc. – which participated at the Great Taste Awards for 2019.
It made us very proud also for the many unique and amazing comments it received from the experts.
I’d like to share only one of these comments which I consider portrays the Syllektikon Flavored Olive Oil precisely…. “The epitome of what is possible when a product is made honestly with the highest quality ingredients. Simply superb.”