When discussing the best flavored olive oils, it can often be a very subjective kind of discussion. People have their own favorites, and it can be difficult to persuade them about the merits of other varieties. However, the superior taste and quality of the flavored olive oils described below have been acknowledged by numerous awards. These olive oils have received in the most prestigious international olive oil competitions. With two of these olive oils being ranked no. 1 in the world in 2018 and 2019 and one being ranked no. 2 in the world in 2017 in their category by the Extra Virgin Olive Oil World Rankings (EVOOWR)!
When olive oils receive this kind of recognition, they pass beyond the subjective appeal into the realm of universal appeal. Their taste is then admired and appreciated by the masses. You simply cannot go wrong when using any of the magnificently flavored olive oils mentioned below, and it should be pointed out that not only do they provide a wonderful flavor, but they also are considered to be very healthy choices on your dinner table as they are made from all natural ingredients with no artificial additives or preservatives. Try any one of these, or all of them, because they are all well worth the investment.
This is a gourmet extra virgin olive oil which is derived from unripened olives, combined with lemons, oranges, and thyme. The vitamin C provided by the lemons and oranges make this a good healthy accompaniment to any meal or side dish. There is also the essential oil from thyme which is enriched with tanines to give it a taste not soon to be forgotten. Syllektikon was voted the 2nd Best Flavored Olive Oil in 2017 by the EVOOWR, and in 2019 it received three gold stars at the London Great Taste Awards, so it is an olive oil of distinction, as well as one which has received international acclaim.
Oleoastron is an infused extra virgin olive oil of gourmet quality which is rich in Omega-3, thereby making it a very healthy choice as well as a tremendous flavor additive to any dish. It is made with semi-ripened Koroneiki olives, which are hand-picked by workers so that the precise stage of development can be assured. It is then pressed with walnuts, fennel seeds, oregano, bay leaves, rosemary, and purslane, to give it an unforgettable flavor, which can be used to enhance salads and a great many other gourmet dishes. It is used quite often on vegetables which have been steamed, roasted, or grilled as a flavor enhancer. It also has the added capability of emphasizing the natural flavor of those foods it is being used with. Oleoastron is a cold-extracted olive oil which has achieved a universal level of popularity across all social strata.
Majestic is another extra virgin olive oil which is an infused, gourmet quality oil. This olive oil has the distinction of being the first Greek flavor infused olive oil to be ranked no. 1 in the world. It is produced using three distinct varieties of olives, those being Kalamon, Koutsouroelia, and Koroneiki. It is then infused with tarragon and lemongrass to give it its distinctive and very creative flavor. It is a cold-extracted olive oil which was ranked by the EVOOWR as the Best Flavored Olive Oil for the year 2018.
Gemstone olive oil is a multi-varietal superior gourmet extra virgin olive oil. Gemstone is only made available in limited quantities. It is produced using a combination of three separate varieties of olives, the Koroneiki, the Athinoelia, and the Kalamon. The oil is then infused with basil, lime, and fresh ginger. All of these contribute strongly toward its very distinctive taste and its broad appeal. Gemstone has received five Gold Awards in as many competitions in its first year of circulation (which was 2019). Gemstone olive oil also was voted by the EVOOWR as the Best Flavored Olive Oil for 2019.